Offsite storage companies have been thriving for years on the need for medical offices to archive medical records. These companies profit off storage costs and retrieval fees. With the new push of the HITECH Act, many medical offices are moving towards a largely digital world. This move has caused a rise in the need for electronic document storage and medical records scanning.
The Benefits of Medical Records Scanning
Medical records scanning and electronic record storage can provide practices with a number of benefits.
Save Money
Years of paper medical records can begin to pile up. When you run out of storage room in your practice, you may have to rent a storage facility. Medical records in boxes stacked to the ceiling of a storage unit can now be stored electronically in CDs, hard drives, and the Internet. This eliminates the need for storage space, saving on extra operating costs.
Streamline Your Office
Electronically stored documents can be accessed and organized by your office staff with the click of a mouse. If you have an existing EMR platform, your scanned medical records can be easily integrated, increasing efficiency and streamlining office procedures.
Easily Access Old Data
Imagine a patient calling your office and requesting a copy from their medical record. If the visit was from 2 years ago, how would you retrieve it? How long and how much would it cost to retrieve that file? If your medical records were scanned and electronically stored, it would take a few seconds to find and print out at no cost.
Medical Records Scanning Services from Desert River Solutions
Electronic storage is the future and is essential to improving your medical office’s efficiency, productivity, and bottom line.
Desert River Solutions has a decade of experience with document scanning and secure data storage. We truly understand the importance of easily accessible records, and we are here to help you eliminate your paper trail and streamline your document storage. Contact us today to get started on your record scanning project.