Many people do not understand the undertaking of getting your files scanned and converting them into a digital format. Here are some tips I will pass along to you and to think about.
- Know exactly how you want to be able to use your scanned documents.
- Always look into OCRing your documents.
- Research and analyze the cost of doing the scanning in-house versus outsourcing the job.
- Getting the file ready to be scanned, also known as prepping the file is something that should not be overlooked. It is very easy to miss a staple, sticky note and other hindrances.
- Find the correct software to manage the documents that will be most cost-effective while being able to function to one’s needs.
- If you are scanning in-house, do not overlook the scanner. There are many out there, with multiple functions.
- Be as organized as you possibly can. It is very easy to lose one piece of paper if you are not being organized throughout the process.
- Always double-check the work of your employees and/or yourself.
- Index as many fields as you can for each scanned batch (PDF). This will only make it easier when you are searching for the file.
- Track what you have done. Write down who scanned what, who prepped the file, as well as where the file has gone.
I hope this has helped your next document scanning job!